Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Is this good government?

The situation in Iraq. The war against terrorism. The tensions with North Korea. The disagreement with Iran's nuclear dreams. The rebuilding of America following a devastating hurricane season. The Terrell Owens saga?

That's right fans, U.S. Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) has become the latest person to jump into the T.O. flavored mud. The distinguished gentleman announced on a radio show this Monday that he was exploring the possibility of having his senate judiciary committee set up a subcommittee to look into the way the NFL and the Eagles handled the T.O. situation. It seems he thought some antitrust laws may have been violated.

Antitrust laws? What happened to Owens takes place everyday in corporate America. Employees get suspended, and then, depending on their work status with the company, are either laid off immediately or paid to stay home until the contract runs out. T.O. received the latter.

To use tax payer money for this matter would be a spit in the eye to all Americans. But maybe we should look at the source. To really believe words that come from this man, you need to put out of your mind the JFK assasination's "magic bullet" theory. Specter, while working as a Warren Commission staffer, is the one who proposed and is credited with the idea of a single bullet making all of the wounds in two people.

Since I found that out when I was young, every time I hear his name come up, the first thing that comes to mind is "wack-job." This is just another one of those instances.


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